

As a uniquely global business country at the heart of Asia, Indonesia plays host to a wide variety of business.
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Realization for 2021 PPP project investment touches Rp302.18 trillion

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Investment realization under the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme by 2021-end reached Rp302.18 trillion, according to development observation, evaluation, and control deputy at the National Development Planning Ministry (PPN)/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Taufik Hanafi. “PPP’s investment value in 2021 had touched Rp302.18 trillion comprising operation, construction,

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Indonesia launches G20 forum on recovery, innovation

Indonesia will raise issues related to the economic recovery, innovation and inclusivity in the Business 20 (B20) forum, which is part of the Group of 20 (G20) agenda, as the country seeks to help facilitate the global exit from the coronavirus pandemic. Shinta Kamdani, who chairs the B20 Indonesia 2022

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Bank Indonesia supports digitization of banking industry

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Bank Indonesia (BI) is supporting the digitization of the banking industry, which has become particularly vital amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to allow customers to carry out banking activities from home. “Banks that do not carry out digital banking or open banking will, of course, be left

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RI to seek private investment to develop digital infrastructure

Indonesia will seek private investment, both from foreign and domestic investors, to develop the country’s digital infrastructure, as the COVID -19 outbreak has accelerated the digital transformation. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said on Tuesday.  The government will seek more public-private partnership (PPP) schemes through the Communications and Information Ministry

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143 companies plan to reallocate investment to Indonesia

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister Airlangga Hartarto revealed that 143 companies, including from the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and China, plan to reallocate investment to Indonesia. “Data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) shows that 143 companies have planned to reallocate investment to Indonesia,

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Kewenangan Diambil Alih BKPM, Ditjen Pajak: Demi Percepatan Investasi

JAKARTA – Pendelegasian kewenangan pemberian fasilitas tax allowance dari Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) ke Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) dianggap sebagai suatu terobosan di tengah upaya mengenjot pertumbuhan investasi. Direktur Penyuluhan Pelayanan dan Hubungan Masyarakat (P2 Humas) Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Hestu Yoga Saksama mengatakan bahwa konteks kebijakan dalam beleid baru

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