Setting Up Company
Explore the vast investment opportunities in Indonesia while navigating the essential government regulations and policies. Download the guidebook here.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tax obligations and benefits available to optimise your investments in Indonesia.
Discover Indonesia’s attractive investment incentives designed to promote innovation and business growth. Indonesia offers substantial tax deductions to support your endeavours.
Foreign Company Representative Office
Establishing a Foreign Representative Office (KPPA) in Indonesia involves specific documentation. Our comprehensive guidance will help you navigate this process smoothly.
This section provides a guide for foreign investors to Indonesia’s employment regulations, visa requirements, land issues, logistics, trade agreements, and investment protection.
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Dalam lawatannya ke London, Inggris, Presiden Prabowo Subianto mengantongi keputusan investasi akhir atas proyek Tangguh Ubadari, Carbon Capture Utilization &…

Pemerintah Indonesia menekankan peluang investasi di Indonesia khususnya pada sektor pendidikan, renewable energy, serta hilirisasi. Hal ini menumbuhkan optimisme kepada…

Ekonomi digital mencatatkan pertumbuhan signifikan, dengan Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) mencapai 90 miliar USD pada 2024, naik 13% dibandingkan tahun…