how to Establish a Foreign Representative Office
Establish a Foreign Representative Office
How to Establish a Foreign Representative Office
(Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing/KPPA)
The required documents are mentioned on the Chairman of BKPM’s Regulation No. 6 of 2018 concerning the Guidelines on Investment Licensing and Facilities – which are as the followings:
- Article of Association and/or Certificate of incorporation of your company which legalised by authorized institution in the designated country of origin (for UK Company and to get documents legalised plase follow the link);
- Letter of Appointment (LoA) of Head of KPPA/Foreign Representative Office and Letter of Intent (LoI) legalised by the Indonesian Embassy;
- Letter of Statement (LoS) from Head of KPPA/Foreign Representative Office in Indonesia which stated that Head of KPPA will live and only work as Head of KPPA in Indonesia without doing any other business activities in Indonesia, legalised by the Indonesian Embassy;
- Letter of Reference (LoR) from the Indonesian Embassy/Trade Attache or IIPC London (please use the Request LoR form below);
- ID of Head of the KPPA in Indonesia (Copy of Passport);
- Photos of Head of the KPPA in size 4×6 cm, 2 copies (coloured);
- Power of Attorney, if needed.

Request the Letter of Reference from IIPC London, please provide the following documents:
- Official letter of request addressed to Director of IIPC London:
Indonesia Investment Promotion Centre (IIPC) London
Heron Tower 19th Floor
110 Bishopsgate
London, EC2N 4AY
D: +44 (0)20 3440 3831
T: +44(0)20 3440 3830 - Certificate of Incorporation issued by the relevant Government agency at the country of origin. For UK company issued by Companies House;
- Article of Association legalised by the Notary Public and Apostille Certificate from FCO (UK) or other public bodies that are authorised to issue apostilles;
- Company representative office license from BKPM (if it is for renewal).